
Kermits, the pround of Clausthal.

Kermits during his bycicle trip to China.

The man in the above picture is truly a crazy bycicle traveller. He's been travelling many places of the world by bycicle. Even when he studied Information Technology in TU Clausthal for the German Diplom degree. By the date 29.4.1999, he was 30 years old. But he was still at school at that moment. From 2002 to 2003 he did his Diplom graduation thesis in Mexico. I don't know whether he has graduated by now or not. But his travel experience by bycicle is something that made his life in Clausthal especially valuble. You may get further info about him from his homepage in TU Clausthal.


Typical winter cloudy weather in Clausthal, in comparison with official photos published to attract visitors.

How do these 2 pictures give you impressions of Clausthal?

Below is the photo I shot in a typical winter cloudy weather in the same location as the next one.

Below is a photo published on the homepage of TU Clausthal.


The Weihnachtsmarkt in Goslar.

In the centre of the city.

In Karstadt shoppingmal.

In the church, two man are playing music.


A shooting trip to Zellerfeld.

This picture is composed of 3 shots, then joined by Panorama Maker 3.0. The lake is very nice in summer, autum and spring. But it is shot in winter, hehe.


The Nikolauscafe for all German course students of TU Clausthal.

It's a wunderful night. We gathered in the MENSA (student dining hall), enjoyed cafee and tee. Everyone got a present. Don't know what to say more. Just fine, hehe.

The Polish singing.

The French singing.

The Spainish singing.

The Cameroonians singing.

The lectures singing.


Something unbeliebable in China, but I've experienced in Germany!

On Saturday before last Saturday, the 20th November, 2004, I went to play basketball in the gymnasium of Technical University of Clausthal. Every Saturday evening from 8:30, the whole gymnasium is opened only to Chinese students. At about 10:30, I saw an old German in the gymnasium talking to a Chinese student. I'm interested. I saw him asking for the telefone number and address of the Chinese student he was talking to. I thought he might be a man from an insurance company and was selling his products. During the brake, I went to the side. He came to talk to me. Certainly, this man was very friendly as other German people. But he was more friendly! He wanted to give me 5 Euro and invite me to the concert in the next day in the church! I told him I cannot accept that, but if he gave me a ticket it would be more better. Then he said he would gave me the money the next day after I bought the ticket. I can't accept that too. Anyway, we had a nice conversation. He told me where he lived and where he worked, asked for my email and msn to keep further contact with me. After 90 minutes I told him I had to go. Then we say goodbye, shake hands and he invited me again to attend the concert in the next day. When I walked out of the gymnasium, a friend said to me:'Don't talk to him! He's a gay!" "Shit!" I thought immediately. I've been thinking about this for the whole saturday. Maybe I sould really be not that open to those Germans from now on. The next Monday I told my instructor about this, he laughed and suggest me answer him anymore. He said there were many gays in Germany, quite common. Yesterday I recieved an email from the man. He invited me to him house friendly. On one side, I want to get to know about him, because I 'm interested why those people became gays and how are their lives everyday? On the other side, I'm afraid of him. So I did not answer him. (Any comments, advice or same experience, please post them as comments or send me emails. I'd like to hear about your minds on it.)